16 Washington Valley Road, Mendham, NJ 07926
Important Note: The address above may be listed in GPS/navigation systems as either Morristown or Brookside (in addition to Mendham). Using either of those towns is correct. Choosing an address in Martinsville or Warren is NOT the same as Mendham and will result in you not arriving at the correct location.
– Take exit 36 off of I 287
– Follow CR-510/Lafayette Ave. for 0.4 mi.
– Turn right on CR-510/Morris St. for 0.1 mi.
– Slight left to stay on CR-510/Morris St. for 0.1 mi.
– Turn right on CR-510/ E.Park/Rte 24 for 500 ft.
– Turn left on CR-510/ N. Park/Rte 24 W for 400 ft.
– Turn right on Rte 24/ Washington St. for 1.7 mi.
– Turn right on Washington Valley Rd. for about 2.8 mi. (watch out for forks in the road – take left fork at both Ranney Hill Rd and at School House Lane to stay on Washington Valley)
Coming from the Old Mill:
Take Rt. 202 east towards Morristown. The first light you come to is Tempe Wick Rd make a left. You’ll pass through Jockey Hollow. Go to the end. Make a right onto Main St. ( Rt 24 ). A shopping center will be on your left as soon as you turn. Go about a mile to Tingley Rd and make a left onto Tingley. Go to the third right and make a right onto Washington Valley Rd. About 1/4 mile down on the left is the Mendham Township Middle School. The entrance to the gym is around the back.
– Take exit 26B off of I 287 and follow Rte 525/Mt Airy Rd for 0.3 mi.
– Turn right at the light to stay on Rte 525/Mt. Airy Rd and follow the directions above (Rte 78 travelling West/Basking Ridge) starting at the 3rd bullet.