A letter was sent today to all coaches regarding our upcoming playoffs. The text of the document is as follows:
As you are all well aware, JBA’s 2014-15 inaugural season is winding down and playoffs will be starting shortly. Below are some things of which you need to be aware.
Seedings for all playoff brackets will be based upon winning percentages for games completed through Sunday, February 22nd and reported by Monday, February 23rd at noon. It is the responsibility of the winning coaches to make sure that their scores are reported.
Our regular season ends on Saturday, February 28th and playoffs begin the next day on Sunday, March 1st. It is the responsibility of the higher seeded team to contact its opponent to setup game date, time, and location. All game details should be emailed to info@jerseybasketballassociation.com a minimum of 24 hours prior to game time.
All first round games must be completed according to the schedule established on the individual divisional bracket. In brackets containing 8 teams or fewer, first round games must be completed by March 6th. In brackets containing 9 or more teams, first round games must be completed by March 4th. Please check your team’s bracket to determine round scheduling.
Towns/organizations with multiple higher seeded teams should attempt to schedule games consecutively in order to facilitate assignment of officials.
The Jersey Basketball Association will notify you regarding Divisional Championship Game times and locations scheduled for the weekend of Friday March 13th, Saturday March 14th, and Sunday March 15th.
Thanks to all for a great season,
Tom Petruzzelli, JBA